Samantha Stein
Nov 22, 2021


You ask great questions in this article. I believe it has become normalized. Rage in general has, for both men and women unfortunately. I wrote an article about it recently, believe it's related to powerlessness.

I enjoy your writing and I believe you ask good questions. I just sometimes wonder if you could ask the question without being so glib and dismissive of people's trauma. You might want to look up the definition of patriarchy (then look at the gender balance of power across our country) before you dismiss it out of hand, and also think twice about seeing women as victimy complaining when the rate of sexual abuse and domestic violence remains so incredibly high. You can love men (they deserve love) and also see them as both participants and victims of a patriarchal and misogynistic system that is abusive to all of us in different ways.



Samantha Stein

I’m a writer, photographer, and psychologist who (monthly) explores self, relationships, and mental health in an ever-changing world.