Yes indeed, any relationship can become sexless, regardless of gender configuration, and is usually a big loss for the relationship. And it has nothing to do with “karma.” It seems like you have a couple of choices: 1. Accept that you will spend your life in a sexless marriage and satisfy yourself with masturbation, 2. Let your wife know you don’t want to spend the rest of your life in a sexless marriage and if she/the 2 of you doesn’t get help you’ll need to part ways (then follow through), or 3.Let your wife know you don’t want to spend the rest of your life in a sexless marriage and you need to move to a non-monogamous container and want to figure out how to do that in a healthy way.
I’m sorry you’re in this position, it is a tough one. But in my experience, couples who face it head on and consciously have the best outcome, regardless of whether or not they pick 1,2, or 3.