I usually don't respond to such blatant and familiar antisemitic tropes because it's just exhausting and overwhelming and I wonder will the writer (or readers) even listen?
I would never deny that a Jewish person could be prejudiced against a Black person. Or anyone for that matter. But Jews are not white (we are seen as white when people want to use the all-powerful antisemitic trope but otherwise not). I assure you our 23andme profile makes that clear. There are somw Jews who pass and have privilege because of it. That is different.
And we, as a monolith don't control anything. That's a centuries old antisemitic trope.
Please educate and check yourself. I recommend starting with the book Jews Don't Count. Educate yourself on the history of the relationship between Blacks and Jews in America. Then perhaps you can write a thoughtful piece that is accurate and worth reading.