First, you are one of my favorite writers on Medium. Partly because of your ideas and partly because you are a phenomenal writer. So I thank you for your writing.
Second, in regards to this article, I completely agree re the anger and wrote an article about this recently. Mexican standoff is a great metaphor, and yes, nobody wins. I have thought for years that part of why our system doesn't function properly as a democracy is because we only have 2 parties (as opposed to so many other democracies in the world), as well as the electoral college, redistricting, and our strange term limits/non term limits rules (in all branches of government). I just have grown hopeless that any of these things will be rectified.
Do you have cause to hope that a real third party could actually gain traction? According to polls, there are many many Americans in both parties that dont feel they fit comfortably in either.